Comprehensive Site Remediation

We strive to be a strategic partner, delivering a positive Client experience while creating the prerequisite conditions for project success.

Our Clients represent a broad spectrum of the industry, from large international companies to local sole proprietors. The mix of services and products we provide these clients is also diverse; some clients are turn key remediation while others only require operation and maintenance, and some are working with us on specific problems. For example, many of our larger Client organizations perform remedial design in-house, whereas smaller firms include us in the design process. Our services are structured to provide what the Client needs to achieve success with their scope.

Contact us for more information about our services that deliver consistent and dependable results.

Injection Services

X2 is an accomplished injection contractor with experience on many successful remediation projects. We have constructed high performance mobile injection systems that are fully self-contained and designed for versatility; capable of delivering reagents through direct push technology (DPT) points, individual injection wells, open boreholes with packers and at multiple injection locations through our custom manifold systems. We support our clients with a strong focus on effective distribution of reagents for complete contaminate destruction. Our well-designed equipment paired with our unique methodologies enable us to provide our clients with exceptional results.

We have extensive experience with a variety of project sites that include:

  • Brownfield Sites
  • Industrial and Manufacturing Facilities
  • Dry Cleaners and Gas Stations
  • Commercial and Residential Developments


Soil Mixing

When projects are not amenable to injection, e.g. impermeable shallow  soils  and/or  vadose  zone  applications,  in-situ  mixing  is often the best option. Rather than mixing and delivering reagents through injection tooling, X2 delivers reagents directly to the impacted soil where they are vigorously mixed into the soil matrix. This provides for the contact required to quickly reduce contaminant concentrations to below standards.

X2 has the experience you're looking for when it comes to the remediation of complex soils. Contact us today to start collaborating on a cost-effective approach to your site.


Pilot Studies

Pilot tests are recommended to our clients prior to full-scale design. A pilot scale implementation of the selected technical approach is conducted to evaluate the suitability and compatibility with specific site characteristics, and to determine appropriate scale of the application. Based on field data, we provide recommendations on full-scale design. The final report, often incorporated into the corrective action plan document, provides the following information:

  • System configuration and requirements;
  • Estimated duration of remediation operations to meet target COC concentrations;
  • Total costs associated with the system, including power consumption, labor, and materials;


System Design

We work with the Project Environmental Professional, Owners Representatives and stakeholders on design development. Incorporating the results of pilot-scale technology testing with logistics and budget, we design an efficient remedial approach. During pilot-scale testing, data is collected that affords insight into the chemical, hydraulic, and physical characteristics of the site. The remedial design evolves around the underlying chemical reactions that will degrade the COC.


Fabrication & Installation

For consistent quality and scheduling, our systems are fabricated and assembled in our facilities. We perform all field operations necessary to install injection wells, underground piping, pavement restoration, and associated mechanical and electrical infrastructure. Coordination with the property owners and consultant is a priority to ensure that disruption to their business operation is minimized. We procure, fabricate, and assemble complete remediation systems for a wide range of technologies including

  • Soil Vapor Extraction
  • Gas-Phase Injection
  • ISCO liquid injection
  • Groundwater Recirculation
  • pH Adjustment
  • Storm water pre-treatment
  • Activated Carbon Filters
  • Air Stripping
  • Incineration


Operation & Maintenance

Our full time system technicians perform maintenance on remediation components on a scheduled, regular basis. We own and operate the systems and invest in quality equipment and materials, unconditionally guaranteeing performance. Our systems are automated with remote internet monitoring capability allowing prompt response to changes in operating parameters. Routine maintenance includes pumps, valves, automation components, blowers, filters, and motors. All components of our systems are inspected on a regular planned basis and replaced as necessary to maintain continuous service. Contact us for more info on O & M Services


System Automation & Controls

Remediation systems are comprised of components such as compressors, valves, flow meters, pumps and motors, mixers, tanks, piping, and process sensing instrumentation (e.g., pH, DO, ORP, temp). These components are often controlled and monitored by small specialized embedded computers or programmable logic controllers (PLC). In addition, systems are usually connected through telemetry for remote control and monitoring. We have substantial experience with control and automation design, trouble shooting, and routine maintenance:

  • electric motor control
  • Solenoid valve control
  • Pump installation and level switch controls
  • Instrumentation wiring, data collection, and controls
  • Electric supply panels and disconnects
  • PLC selection and programming
  • Nitrogen, Oxygen, Ozone generation Systems
  • Compressor alternator systems
  • Internet telemetry for control and system performance monitoring